Happy Friday! Prayers for America
Happy Friday! Prayers for America Happy Friday Everyone. Hope you have a Joyful Day Plan. Our Country Needs prayers. Happy Friday everyone. Hope you have a Joyful day Planned. One of my mentors taught me If you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Together Let us plan...
Do you give yourself enough time to invest in new creative thoughts? Many of my clients are amazed that I am so structured, and I can spend several months working on ONE thing. I received the calling to focus on that one thing. I chose to make One...
Moving your body is all about not letting Covid-19 stop you from doing your part. Coach With Audrey is your REFOCUS, RENEW AND RESULTS COACH. Each day get up and MOVE YOUR BODY. Even if it is moving one part of your body at a time to your favorite dance music. We all...
I encourage you to make a list of everything you have to be thankful for. Meditate on what you have to be thankful for every day. Verbalizing it will be amazingly helpful to you. Share your list with your friends when you have tea or coffee. God bless you and take on...
As we get ready for 2021, we must stop and count our many blessings. We have so much to be thankful for during this time of the year. I am grateful for my beautiful husband who is always ready to jump in and help with his gift from God, his technical skills. As we...
Who we believe we are is who we are. When did you define yourself? We make decisions of who we believe we are. When we are ourselves that is when the real you will show up. Setting Standards is important and when you raise your standards you will begin to live.
2020 New Year’s Goals
It is the time of year we all get together and rewrite our goals and start thinking about putting our goals down. Now is the time, whether you know exactly what you want and just need support figuring out a strategy to get there or you simply don’t know what you want....
Emotions Are Not Leaving Until You Do Something
Emotions Are Not Leaving Until You Do Something. We all have emotions, and we recognize they are part of being human. Since that is true, one believes emotional stability must be one of the main goals of every human being. We must seek help. We must ask God for the...